This Web Site is intended to be a memorial to

        the Jews of Konstantynow Lodzki until the

        grounds are marked as a Jewish cemetery and

        until a physical memorial is erected on its


The Nazis achieved their goal of destroying the Jewish community in Konstantynów Łódzki. Unfortunately, for seventy nine years after the Holocaust, the Jewish inhabitants who once lived and contributed to the welfare of Konstantyow Lodzki also remained forgotten by their former neighbors. The local authorities did not mark any places reminding people of the existence of the Jewish community in the city, including the cemetery area. Fortunately, this changed in 2018, when, on the initiative of the former mayor, Henryk Brzyszcz, a plaque was erected adjacent to the cemetery area. Unfortunately a few years after it was erected, someone destroyed the plaque and only an empty frame remains. See photos below.
We hope that the current mayor will commemorate the former residents of the city and erect a plaque again to remind us of the existence of the Jewish cemetery and the people buried there.


A stone memorial stands in the Holon cemetery in Israel today.
We would like to erect one in Konstantynow Lodzki.

We hope that you will stand with us and support our efforts to remember and commemorate the Jews of Konstantynow Lodzki.




JOIN US in the effort to restore the Jewish cemetery

                    in Konstantynow Lodzki


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